Our new board members were sworn in at our most recent meeting.
Our club recently hosted Rotary District 5810 Governor John Curtis, who discussed district goals, and also conducted induction ceremonies for the group’s 2023-2024 officers and board members. All 33,000 local clubs in Rotary International change their leadership each year. This provides for fresh vision and energy throughout the worldwide organization of business and professional leaders, which was established in 1905.
The leaders who will serve during the 2023-2024 Rotary year are club president Dr. Jones Doughton, president-elect John McClellan, vice-president Brad Davis, past president Vince Falsarella, treasurer Jim Wade, club service director Lindsay Paris, community service director Evelyn Williams, vocational service director Dr. LaDonna Gulley, international service director Debi Holley, and public relations director Dr. James Griffin.
In his remarks, club president Dr. Jones Doughton emphasized that the club would work to continue the Mesquite club’s excellent record of fundraising through the group’s annual Rodeo Road Rally bike ride. The group will work this year to increase membership and further its strength in the wake of the pandemic. They will also continue this year in granting scholarships, supporting the work of many local groups, and will continue to focus on assisting Rotary International programs. Those include efforts to eradicate polio in the world, build sources and systems giving access to clean water, and more.